12 September 2008

A Nightmare. 4 Chapters In.

Well I got "The Shack" in the mail yesterday, and although I thought maybe I was "read out" from studying all day (yep, I am a college girl again), I could not put it down once I opened it. I think this is partly because I was so upset by what was going on, I never ever want to imagine going through what this family had to go through. Finally I had to turn off the lamp and go to sleep, but the first thing I did when I woke up this morning was reach over to my night table and pick it up again. There had to be a redeeming aspect, and I needed to reach it so that I felt some peace. I was not expecting what came! But at least I am at a point where I can put it down for a little while....but I can't wait for this evening to pick it up again and keep reading! I still haven't figured out if this book is really based on a true story - he makes it sound like it is in his Forward - but then again I am not sure since it is classified as a Fiction. Anybody know? Anybody reading it or have read it?


Dick and Jane said...

Hope you got my e-mails. In case not, there is a Ft. Benning directory you can navigate to on the Ft. Benning home page. Page 154 (?) of the directory has the phone numbers for the Ranger Training Brigade for all phases. I also plan to read The Shack, our pastor mentioned it in his sermon last week, although I haven't a clue as to what it's about.
Hi to Ben.

Anonymous said...

I read that book a couple of months ago. It's pretty mind blowing. I didn't agree with everything in it but it sure does make you think about why you beleive what you do. And it brought me a new perspective on the issues of forgiveness, evil, and God's sovereignty. I'm glad you're reading it-you'll be blessed by what you find!

Anonymous said...

Hi Chels, it is quite a moving book. I read this book reccommended by my girlfirend who happens to own a bookstore....:) I was moved to tears at various points in the book. You can't help by reflect, take a step back and take a look at your own life....This is a powerful book...and you must pass it on....I have bought three just to pass on!!!
Love Auntie Donna

Anonymous said...

The Shack is fiction, the following is an excerpt from The New York Times, June 2008

Mr. Young, who is known as Paul, said he had written “The Shack” as a gift for his six children. The shack was a metaphor for “the house you build out of your own pain,” Mr. Young said in a telephone interview from the Phoenix airport on his way to a book reading.