22 April 2011

Moselle : Know the Story You're Wearing

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to photograph some of the clothing line sold by Moselle Clothing. The more that I learn about the social injustices that are still occurring in the clothing (to name just one) industry, the more I realize that it truly is important for me to make a conscious effort to NOT purchase from these brands. It is too easy to turn a blind eye, especially since in our western culture trafficking and slavery is not in our faces everyday. We go to the mall, pick out a cute little baby outfit, and think nothing else of it.

But what if that adorable baby outfit was made by tiny hands. A child. A child forced to labour.

Let's be honest. We all should know by now that human trafficking and slavery still exists. But why? Supply and Demand. Our demand for "affordable" clothing.

I really love one of Moselle Clothing's great lines : "Know the Story You"re Wearing".

But where do we start? Here is a really helpful website : www.thebetterworldshopper.org

For ten bucks you can get their guide book.

For two bucks you can download an app for your iPhone or iPod.

It really is too easy NOT to do it. Check it out!

Secondly...I really enjoy supporting Fair Trade and Ethically Branded products where nearly all the proceeds go right back to the people. Lots of Fair Trade shops have things that make great gifts too.

So Moselle Clothing....another awesome line : "Wear the Story of Freedom" . Each shirt is made by a girl rescued from slavery. She is learning new skills and receiving fair wages to build her life up again.

Check out their store!! I have loved getting to know the couple that started this ministry here in Australia, and I was super blessed to be able to use my photography skills towards their cause.









1 comment:

Johnni said...

I just checked out some of their new photos online the other day and figured that was you at work... :) I'm excited to get some of these in. I couldn't be more on board with everything behind this company! You have some awesome friends...