13 December 2010

rain rain go away: bree

We had a week of non-stop rain! Thankfully we are back to mostly sunny, beachy weather here on the Sunshine Coast of Australia.  But a rain here and there is a great way to cool us off every now and again....just please not for a week straight!

When my mom and sister were visiting we took Aubrey to splash in some puddles and get some fresh air once the rain finally stopped. Needless to say she loved it!

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One of our favourite Bree expressions :

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Yes, yes she did pick this up, (ew):

CS (1 of 9)

So happy to see her Nana:

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This is the other day after a good sleep-in, Bree and Daddy skyping with a friend:

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CS (8 of 9)


Rachelle said...

Chels- I LOVE the top of your blog page!! It's amazing! And I love these pics of Bree!! SO cute!!

Anonymous said...

This post is so calm, refreshing happy mood.

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