21 October 2008

That Little Silver Box

Well. It finally happened. My hard drive crashed. Why? Why not. Maybe I should have been doing those dandy little diagnostics that my photography instructor taught us about. But don't you worry Dennis....my work is all backed up! Yes it is true. However the major time suck is going to be my website. Although it is backed up on my external HD, I am not quite sure how putting it back into the newly installed applications actually looks. The re-installing process is a gem ain't it?

I have heard of MacBook HD's doing this, and for the last 5 months I have just been waiting for it, hoping that I was still covered under my Apple Care, and lo and behold, I still have like 9 months left on it! I highly recommend purchasing those little treats for your computer. Seriously, who hasn't had computer problems? That is one add-on I won't go without.

So bear with me this next month as I re-work my site! Hopefully I have no major obstacles, but we shall see :) One bridge at a time....


bjf photography said...

ok what happened cuz i am about to freak out

Unknown said...

It is incredibly frustrating to replace a hard drive even if you do everything right as you have done. I hope all goes well with the install and changes which always takes place in this process.

What all this says about you is you were not like many who took classes as Kona an didn't listen about backing up their work.

You will continue to be successful because you are paying attention to details. Your clients will always be getting your best and for that you will continue to grow.

Anonymous said...

Chelsea, Stanley just emailed me about what happened. Sorry about that! Keep in mind that all hard drives will fail sometime, it’s just a matter of time.

The Take Control books are excellent. I have probably about 9 of them (ebooks, downloaded as .pdfs). Here’s one that might be valuable to you:


There’s also an excellent ebook from Michael Clark, which has some very sobering, serious info about backup strategies. I’d recommend it. (It has way more on Lightroom 2, Photoshop, workflow, shooting digitally, to make it worth the price as well.


I’m glad you were cautious in backing up at least to one source.

WeeNo Photography said...

i just had a new harddrive put into my computer, and got it back TODAY!! crazy. Its a frustrating thing. Everything is gone, but like you said, thank you apple care! I didn't have to pay the swiss people a single frank!! Thank Jesus, Switzerland can rob you for all your worth.

I know your pain! hope all is well with you!!