Welcome to my newly designed blog-site! I hope you enjoy the new look as much as I do....and with the new look, some new photos! Finally! We're expecting baby number 2, and with that comes a few months of crazy nausea and fatigue for me. I think I am finally turning a corner and feeling up to being on my computer again, as well as behind the lens! Thank goodness because this Fall weather has been so beautiful, perfect for those warm flared-up photos I love. That will come soon, but for now, some summer favorites :
We flew to Iowa in July for my brother-in-law's wedding. Check out their beautiful photos by my good friends at
WeeNo Photography!
Then we headed to our favorite lake in BC, Canada where we met up with some awesome friends!
Bree at 23 Months Old! Crazy beach hair, I love it.
More friends come to visit us...too many funny ones of these 2.
I couldn't resist the bare-bums.
Our very intrepid family all together in one places...sans one brother...doesn't happen often!
LOVE THIS....Bree with her "Aunnie Tayder"