Well hello again! It turns out that traveling with a toddler, working on photos, and updating the blog is quite the handful.... Right now my beautiful blondie is tugging on my arm in our teeny-tiny french hotel room.."Mommy!" This is going to be short and sweet...and mostly photos, which is my type of blogging anyway.
Although we are currently traveling around the south-west of France, our Australian living ended about 1 1/2 weeks ago and we arrived in Madrid, Spain after WAY too many hours of traveling. We stayed with some close friends who are living and working there, and that was an amazing way to start out feeling refreshed for our trip.
We loved Madrid, the food and shopping are amazing!! Thanks to our lovely hosts, we got to experience the best places to go :)
Here are some photos....
The real challenge for me as a photographer was being limited to only one fixed lens. All of my travel photos will be shot with the 50mm f1.2, Although it is a fantastic lens, I cannot zoom in or out, meaning I need to get creative to capture big things like buildings and landscapes, while also focusing on details that describe a culture. I knew this going into it....and opted for the challenge in order to save weight and space while traveling...stay tuned for the next part...Barcelona!