My girlfriend,
Johnni, and I love to share information with eachother. We have done so ever since we met one another...slowly picking up the pace to the point that now we just can't keep things to ourselves anymore! Life is too interesting, too many great things to discover. The types of things we love to discover are those that improve the quality of our lives, family life, communities, and even the world. For a few months we have been plotting a new Blog to share with others the kinds of things we love to share with eachother. Life is more fun that way! So stay tuned....we are still polishing off the name...and need to get a site up and running. But in the are a few goodies I have been incorporating into my life in Australia!
Sprouting. Not quite as complicated as I had imagined for the last 12 months.
Grain-Free cooking. Fermenting. Healthy and Delicious. Meet SOCCA. A rustic Chickpea flour pancake. A common street food on the coast of France. (I should ask my sister's French fiance if this is correct).
Proof that even picky littles like healthy food.
Meet the Dragonfruit. YUM. Packed with vitamins and minerals. $4. I think worth it when you are suffering a cold. introduced me to this beauty.
A coloured glass cup. Yep. And do you see the nice silver tray that the Draganfruit is on? $1.50 total for these gems. Yesterday I got a few hours without the little and I decided to do some second-hand browsing. See what I could find. I am not a souvenir all. I don't like clutter, and over-priced things that don't look very classy in your home. I do like recycling. And Miss long Pleated Skirt...if you are out there I will find you and recycle you! Anyway...back to the cup and platter. I want to start a little collection..find one of each from each country (or place i live). I have ideas for them...
SO...these little photographs just give you a small taste of what you can expect! Hopefully Johnni's and my inspiration BLOG is up and running soon. Of course with MORE information on these fun (very healthy) ideas....and more inspiration to be good to your body, good to your neighbor, and good to your world!
Oh okay....and more pictures of my sweetie pie (sixteen-and-a-half months!)
Sleeping in the car...sure beats the over-tired screaming! She is not a car-sleeping baby.
Little Mermaid...first time pig-tail wearer